Door, Window, Roof!

There are times when things are handed to us and other times when we have to go after whatever we desire. Sometimes, the door is easily opened, and other times, not so much. Not everyone is born with a golden spoon, a business to inherit, or a trust fund. Most people are building from the ground up. Parents can only do with what they have.

You did not have a choice in the family you were born into, but you have a choice in creating the future you want for yourself.

You do not have to stay stuck in what you did not have growing up. You cannot change that. It makes no sense to wallow over the “coulda, woulda, shoulda.” It is time to get up and make something of your future. You have greatness inside you.

I am pursuing a Master’s in International Journalism from Baylor University. This program is a different path from my undergrad, but it is a passion of mine. I love international relations, writing (clearly, hahaha), and media. I was not going to pursue this originally, but after the wise council, I decided to. Coming onboard, I felt behind. I felt inadequate, seeing that I had never majored in this before. I questioned my ability and if I was good enough. I felt far behind from others who had that background. Thankfully, I had to take leveling courses to provide that foundation, which I did well in. I found myself developing a rhythm and flow in this new vein. I joined the National Association of Black Journalists and immersed myself in the opportunities available to thrive.

Part of the completion of my degree is an internship. I wanted to complete it this summer to knock it out of the way. There was an internship opportunity I had applied to that was the perfect fit for me. I had met with one of the hiring managers at a journalism conference. He told me to email him my resume and portfolio. I excitingly did. I thought our conversation was promising and I would get that specific internship. After about a week or so, I followed up to ensure he received the email. I did not get a response. Later, I got an email from the website where I had applied, stating that I did not get the internship. Well, that was a bummer. I anticipated expanding my knowledge and gaining practical experience with that news station.

Find a window if you cannot get through the door. If you cannot get through the window, take the roof off. Whatever you have to do, do it.

This is where grit comes into play. I decided I would return home for the summer. I contacted our national news station to see if any summer positions were available for me. This was unorthodox and a risk I took. I did not go through the government summer job program application. I did not apply the traditional way through any other formal application process. I did not know what to expect from my reaching out. Surprisingly, after a few conversations and waiting, I landed a four-week internship with the ZNS Northern Network.

What do you desire to do? You may not have gotten to it one way, but who says it cannot be achieved another? An old saying is, “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” That is true. What if plan b serves as the stepping stone to plan a? What if the “detour” is actually taking you to your destination? Allow the “no” to fuel your pursuit. A “no” does not have to be an end. Keep digging until you see the water. There are many opportunities and avenues you can take to better yourself. There are things you can do that will add value to your life until you reach your goal. Try and try again.

You do not get to the top with one step when climbing a ladder. You take one step at a time. That is what life is about. Every step you take, every path you take, moves you closer.

I finished my internship at ZNS this past week. I was filled with many emotions—accomplishment, gratitude, and a touch of sadness. I had the opportunity to interview many young people in activism, faith, business, talent, etc. The internship was not just about clicking buttons or chatting between songs. It was about giving a platform, a voice, to the young people in our community. It was about creating a space where their ideas, concerns, and passions could be heard loud and clear. And let me tell you, Grand Bahama, my island, has some incredible young minds—each interview, each conversation, was a spark that ignited an even greater passion for journalism.

Those past few weeks at ZNS have been more than just an internship; they have been a masterclass in communication, connection, and the power of radio. I have learned the technical ropes, sure, but more importantly, I have learned the importance of listening, fostering dialogue, and using my voice to uplift and empower others. That experience will be a highlight of my journey, and the lessons I have learned there will stay with me long after the last song fades out.

So, although I did not get the first internship, I still gained an invaluable experience that will serve my future well. Who knows? Maybe my time at ZNS will help advance me to that internship at KWTX.

My friend, be encouraged. Your journey is your journey. You are not behind the Lord’s schedule for your life. I am reminded of the story in Mark 2. Driven by hope, four friends carry a paralyzed man to Jesus. However, a dense crowd thwarts their attempt to reach him. With unwavering resolve, they make a daring move–they dig a hole through the roof, carefully lowering their friend on his mat right before Jesus. The access points they thought might have gotten them to Jesus were blocked. They could have given up and left. They could have said, “Well, I guess this isn’t for us.” They would have had a valid reason to turn around. Yet, their faith found a way.

Where will your faith lead you today? There is a door, window, and roof!

Raphael Roker, originally from Freeport, The Bahamas, is a graduate of Oral Roberts University. He is passionate about media and the dissemination of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a preacher, blogger, social media guru he recently released his first book titled “A Charge to Keep: A Message of Holiness for Today's Generation.”

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